Construction Management & Inspection for the Backup Power Reliability Project

The Hidden Valley Lake Community Services District (District) is requesting proposals for the Construction Management & Inspection Services for the Backup Power Reliability (BPR) Project. The BPR Project consists of the installation of fixed generators at two water booster pump stations with concrete pads, miscellaneous electrical hardware, wiring and switches, site grading and site surface improvements. The District wishes to procure a consulting firm to oversee construction and testing activites for the BPR Project.
Proposals will be accepted electronically until 2PM PDT on Friday, September 29, 2023. The proposal must be in PDF format and sent to Alyssa Gordon (agordon@hvlcsd.org) with the following subject line and document title of: RFP Response - BPR Construction Management & Inspection Services. The electronic fee proposal should be sent separately, password protected, to the same inbox.
The District may require the proposer to participate in negotiations, and to submit such price, technical, or other revisions of their proposal as may result from such negotiations.
By order of
The General Manager of the Hidden Valley Lake Community Services District, Lake County, California
Posted: August 30, 2023