We're Essential and We're Open
The District Office will re-open to the public at 8:00 A.M. on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. The District Boardroom and Restrooms will remain closed to the public until further notice.
Please help us protect our customers and staff by adhering to the following guidelines:
1. Follow social distancing protocols of six-foot distancing as marked on the sidewalk and inside the lobby.
2. Only one person/two of the same household will be allowed in the District Lobby at a time.
3. Please allow District staff to sanitize the area between customers.
4. Everyone entering the District office will be required to wear face a covering, unless exempt as is detailed in the State’s face covering order.
5. A hand sanitizing station will be provided for public use before and after completing transactions.
6. District employees are to wear face a covering when working with customers unless otherwise shielded as well as sanitize after each customer.
Until further notice, the public may participate in the District Board meeting via TEAMS available on the website at www.hvlcsd.org, and select the current monthly meeting. You may also submit your comments in advance by emailing them to pcuadras@hvlcsd.org.